A fold out desktop
/r/mixofbestforfriends: mixofbestforfriends - I select what I think is the best posts in my subreddits to share with my friends - January 1, 2023 - 10:48
/r/erikito_linito: erikito_linito - January 1, 2023 - 09:10
/r/Dailyslant: Dailyslant - A place where good stories can be shared . With a little bit of the arts sprinkled in and always a big shot of Love! - January 1, 2023 - 08:12
/r/Morgin: a place to keep things ive gathered to show others and learn - collected thoughts from across the internet - January 1, 2023 - 04:48
/r/vivodesercreativo: vivodesercreativo - January 1, 2023 - 03:44
/r/ksns2: ksns2 - Nothing to see here but squirrels 🐿 🐿 - January 1, 2023 - 03:02
/r/gif: r/Gif (no S) - A place for funny, interesting, & animated SFW gifs and videos (mp4's.) - January 1, 2023 - 01:43
/r/InterestingGifs: Interesting Gifs - A place for interesting gifs! - January 1, 2023 - 01:43
/r/cannonballmike: cannonballmike - December 31, 2022 - 21:39
/r/Ideathon: Ideathon - Cool, fun, unexpected, creative ideas seen across Reddit, both simple or complex - Cool, fun, unexpected, creative ideas, simple or complex. Ideas that often make people exclaim, "wow that is cool!" or "why didn't I think of that" or "we really need that" - December 31, 2022 - 21:36
/r/DidntKnowIWantedThat: Didn't Know I Wanted That - This subreddit is the perfect place to find all products you didn't know existed, but suddenly want, right after you've seen them! - December 31, 2022 - 20:57
/r/allicansayisHA: allicansayisHA - December 31, 2022 - 20:42
/r/oddlysatisfying: Oddly Satisfying - For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying. - December 31, 2022 - 17:25