Scraping off popcorn ceiling.... please, please, please come to my house next! ππΌππΌππΌ
/r/BetterMUA: BetterMUA - “... Eva, her shadow, and the horse girl.” - May 25, 2019 - 14:50
Forbidden ceiling popcorn ready to be popped
/r/forbiddensnacks: Forbidden Snacks - Welcome to Forbidden Snacks! We're an odd community obsessed with inedible objects that are tasty to the eye, but not to the mouth. - August 10, 2018 - 04:01
This guy with his respirator on his forehead instead of his respiratory entryway.
/r/mildlyinfuriating: jukmifgguggh - A place to post the most midly infuriating things! . order corn - March 3, 2018 - 09:03
Powerwashing - Popcorn scraping xpost oddlysatisfying
/r/NoSillySuffix: No Silly Suffix - Posts from the network of subreddits which uses that ridiculous suffix. - March 3, 2018 - 07:27
Scraping the ceiling
/r/gifsthatendtoosoon: gifs that stop before the story does - if you want gifs, webms, and videos that cut off too soon you would come here... but why would you want that? - March 3, 2018 - 06:11