Installation 04
/r/misleadingthumbnails: Not always what you think - Reddit Thumbnails that cause a unique optical illusion due to their small size, so when you open the images to full size, you're in for a surprise. - April 15, 2021 - 13:43
Jelly fish caught in a bubble ring
/r/OrenoNetachou: MyScrapbook - 俺の俺による俺のためのスクラップブック - March 10, 2021 - 06:32
/r/ClearAesthetic: Clear Aesthetic - Translucency appreciation. - February 15, 2021 - 18:05
/r/squashmountainscouts: squashmountainscouts - Friends sharing with friends - January 21, 2021 - 02:57
/r/DiscoverEarth: Discover Earth - We're strange creatures on a tiny space rock, orbiting a nuclear furnace while hurtling through an infinite void... Discover Earth is the place to geek out about the ✨wonders of our cosmos✨ - January 20, 2021 - 22:06
/r/InterestingGifs: Interesting Gifs - A place for interesting gifs! - January 20, 2021 - 18:03
/r/LooneyTunesLogic: Looney Tunes Logic - Looney Tunes (or other cartoon) logic being used in real life. We share our birthday with Mel Blanc by coincidence! - January 20, 2021 - 17:40
/r/oddlyterrifying: oddlyterrifying - oddly terrifying things - January 20, 2021 - 10:36
/r/nextfuckinglevel: ⬆ Next Fucking Level ⬆ - A subreddit for pictures, gifs and videos that are next fucking level. - January 20, 2021 - 03:44
I’m not sure what is going on
/r/fuqae: fuqae - A knowledge vault for all sources of media. if it's funny, serious, or interesting, why not share it with the boys. x/ it here and share - February 10, 2021 - 21:57
I just thought this jelly was real cute
/r/awwnverts: Awwnverts: For cute things without backbones - The subreddit for cute pictures of bugs, lobsters, squid, and other non-Vertebrata. Because they're adorable too. - January 21, 2021 - 03:50
Do Jellyfish get dizzy?
/r/PraiseTheCameraMan: When they do it right - PTCM is a hub for sharing proper camera operation; capturing calculated recording angles; maintaining good camera control, general perception, also properly controlling what's in the frame. Interesting content is not necessarily a solid ground for giving praise, regardless of how good the content on its own accord. Stills are welcome but do try your best to credit the cameraman, please - January 20, 2021 - 21:12
Just when I think I’m out they pull me back in
/r/yesyesyesyesno: yesyesyesyesno - This subreddit is pretty simple: things that are great before they go bad. *Almost* perfect isn't it, it's about acts nearing spectacular fruition right before their ruin. So basically the Seattle Seahawks' last drive in Super Bowl 49. - January 20, 2021 - 20:01
Is this why they're called spinners?
/r/2007scape: Old School RuneScape! - The community for Old School RuneScape discussion on Reddit. Join us for game discussions, weekly events, and skilling competitions! OSRS is the official legacy version of RuneScape, the largest free-to-play MMORPG. - January 20, 2021 - 17:07
It would be awesome if something like the Ichthyosaurus could do this to Cnidaria from a distance.
/r/arkps4: ArkPS4 - A fan based subreddit for Ark: Survival Evolved players on the Playstation 4 & Playstation 5. - January 20, 2021 - 16:55
/r/AquaticAsFuck: r/AquaticAsFuck - For anything water related. Watersports (SFW), oceans, ponds, lakes, sea life, etc. Redditors, please post your best water content here. Thanks! - January 20, 2021 - 13:31
You’re supposed to dial the Supergate before you go through it!
/r/Stargate: Stargate - All things dedicated to the 1994 Stargate movie and the MGM franchise: SG-1, Atlantis, Universe, Origins, video, RPG games and everything else. - January 20, 2021 - 12:47
Gif Says it's loaded but lags
/r/RelayForReddit: A place for announcements, discussion and bug reports for the android app "Relay for reddit". - A place for announcements, discussion and bug reports for the android app "Relay for reddit". - January 20, 2021 - 09:39
Jellyfish caught in ring of fire
/r/AccidentalSlapStick: Accidental Slapstick - Comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events happening by chance, unintentionally, or unexpectedly. - May 23, 2020 - 13:19
/r/DynamicBanter: Dynamic Banter podcast - Close your eyes and picture the last time you laughed so hard with your friends you couldn't breathe. That's what Dynamic Banter is like. Not for you though, for Mike Falzone and Steve Zaragoza. You're just there listening. At the end of each episode we all have 100 new inside jokes together. That's the Dynamic Banter podcast. In all honesty, there's no good reason for you to listen to Dynamic Banter, but a lot of people do and they seem to really enjoy it for some reason. - May 22, 2020 - 23:41
I have no idea what just happened.
/r/gifsthatkeepongiving: Gifs That Keep On Giving - This is a subreddit dedicated to those GIFs that just keep on giving. Whether they are mind expanding, funny, or just plain awesome, they are welcome here. - May 22, 2020 - 23:03
Jellyfish goes for a ride
/r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR: Fuck YOU In Particular - Not him, nor her; just you. - The home of photos, GIFs, and videos of people/things taking comical injuries/beatings/general physical discomfort, while being singled out. - May 22, 2020 - 21:40