Roflmao gottem'
/r/AbruptChaos: Videos that suddenly end in chaos, often hilariously - Videos that suddenly end in chaos, often hilariously - March 6, 2019 - 14:40
/r/KidsAreFuckingEvil: r/KidsAreFuckingEvil - March 6, 2019 - 01:33
/r/yesyesyesyesno: yesyesyesyesno - This subreddit is pretty simple: things that are great before they go bad. *Almost* perfect isn't it, it's about acts nearing spectacular fruition right before their ruin. So basically the Seattle Seahawks' last drive in Super Bowl 49. - March 5, 2019 - 23:05
/r/Instantregret: /r/Instantregret - March 5, 2019 - 22:33
/r/maybemaybeoriginal: Maybe Maybe Maybe (Original) - Tired of knowing how a GIF will end? (Original Flavor) - March 5, 2019 - 21:45
/r/nonononoyes: r/nonononoyes - March 5, 2019 - 21:24
/r/instantkarma: Instant Karma - People experiencing karma that is instant - March 5, 2019 - 20:37
/r/KidsAreFuckingStupid: Look how stupid these kids are - Just look at some of these kids, how can they be so dumb? Like what, you seriously can't hula hoop? Jesus christ. And babies know literally nothing. God damn kids are so dumb. - March 5, 2019 - 16:45
HMJB while I catapult this ball into your nuts
/r/holdmyjuicebox: Hold my juice box! - Those youngsters too young for beer? Try Hold my Juice Box instead. This subreddit is for pictures, videos and GIFs of children attempting things, but failing at it because of their lack of judgement or limited childlike understanding of the world. Whether it's kids falling off of bikes, tripping, or getting hurt from bad decisions, we want to see it! - February 6, 2019 - 13:00