Brazilian surfer Rodrigo Koxa rides a massive wave in Nazare
/r/nextfuckinglevel: ⬆ Next Fucking Level ⬆ - A subreddit for pictures, gifs and videos that are next fucking level. - July 26, 2019 - 22:55
/r/BeAmazed: I bet you will Be Amazed! - A place to find amazing things. - March 7, 2019 - 11:43
/r/SuperAthleteGifs: 𝓢𝓾𝓹𝓮𝓻 𝓐𝓽𝓱𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓮 𝓖𝓲𝓯𝓼 - Gifs of Super Athletes in Action. Other Exciting Sports Gifs Are Welcomed. - August 11, 2018 - 20:12
/r/EAF: EAF: EPIC AS FUCK - Post things that you would describe as EPIC AS FUCK. - August 11, 2018 - 20:12
/r/AdrenalinePorn: AdrenalinePorn - Eye candy for extreme athletes and adrenaline junkies! - High quality images of heart racing activities (not sex). - August 11, 2018 - 17:33
/r/gifsthatendtoosoon: gifs that stop before the story does - if you want gifs, webms, and videos that cut off too soon you would come here... but why would you want that? - August 11, 2018 - 17:16
/r/maybemaybeoriginal: Maybe Maybe Maybe (Original) - Tired of knowing how a GIF will end? (Original Flavor) - August 11, 2018 - 17:00
/r/nonononoyes: r/nonononoyes - August 11, 2018 - 16:49
/r/woahdude: woahdude! psychedelic! - The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! Come for mindfucks and self-inflicted gaslighting. Or the hypnotic or mesmerising. Vivid colors, intense patterns. Mind-blowing science and philosophy. Chill or trippy music. Surrealism, absurdism and strangeness. Reminder: This is not a "reaction subreddit". - August 11, 2018 - 16:47
German Sebastien Steudtner surfs a massive wave in Nazare!
/r/ocean: Ocean, the sea, and everything with fins and gills - Post anything regarding preservation or enjoyment of the ocean and its inhabitants, especially photos of the sea. All oceans are welcome. - July 26, 2019 - 05:35
If you want the ultimate, you’ve gotta be willing to pay the ultimate price.
/r/nope: Nope - Things that make you say "nope!" - July 26, 2019 - 02:40
Surfer rides what at first looks like a tsunami
/r/confusing_perspective: Confusing Perspectives - The place for puzzling perspectives, confusing angles, and missing context. Please read the rules to gain context on what we do here, and enjoy! - August 12, 2018 - 00:19
This gigantic wave
/r/megalophobia: Megalophobia: Fear of Large Things - A place to post images of all things large, particularly ones that are "triggers" for those with megalophobia. - August 11, 2018 - 22:24
Surfing a giant wave, wtf, you got giant balls man!
/r/WTF_Nature: Things in nature that make you say WTF - All of the things in nature that make you say WTF! From sharks eating whales to spiders eating bats to lightning exploding trees - August 11, 2018 - 20:35