Ok...that’s enough for now.
/r/ChannitGifs: Channit Gifs - December 2, 2019 - 13:08
/r/AnimalsBeingDerps: Aww, they're so stupid - Pictures, gifs and videos - August 8, 2018 - 16:17
/r/bearpuppers: Just the bear necessities - Puppers that look like bears and bears that look like puppers. - August 8, 2018 - 15:53
/r/EcoNewsNetwork: All things eco - Information, appreciation, discussion, links to articles, websites, images, videos, from reputable sites - content that supports and celebrates nature, her creatures, interspecies relationships, and their protection for future generations. Thinking ahead for the next 5 billion years. - August 8, 2018 - 15:44
/r/gifs: .gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure - Funny, animated GIFs: Your favorite computer file type! Officially pronounced with a hard "J" - August 8, 2018 - 14:10
This dog could probably save a life
/r/rarepuppers: woofe woofe whats for lumch haha - This is a subreddit devoted to cute little animols such as puppers, cates and turtles, and all sorts of other cute animols :) - August 8, 2018 - 23:52
Does that remind you of someone?
/r/dresdenfiles: Dresden Files by Jim Butcher - Reddit's Home for the Dresden Files book series by Jim Butcher. Feel free to discuss the books, television series, comic books, RPG, and other works by Jim Butcher (such as Codex Alera and Cinder Spires, et al.). - August 8, 2018 - 19:31
Typical Newfie
/r/Newfoundlander: r/Newfoundlander: All about Newfies - The Newfoundland is a draught and water dog, with webbed feet, a thick coat and a natural life-saving instinct. They are known to have an exceptionally gentle, docile nature. - August 8, 2018 - 18:17
That's enough for now
/r/gifsthatendtoosoon: gifs that stop before the story does - if you want gifs, webms, and videos that cut off too soon you would come here... but why would you want that? - August 8, 2018 - 16:42