Taking left without watching behind!
/r/IdiotsNearlyDying: Idiots Nearly Dying - Almost dying, almost getting seriously injured . . . almost. No actual death, dismemberment, or gore; this sub is for close calls or things that could have gone much worse. This is a Safe For Work sub. - September 16, 2021 - 07:31
Grandma Without a Helmet Survives A Rear Ending
/r/dashcamgifs: Dashcam videos in Gif form! - A subreddit for crazy POV gifs shot from any vehicle. this includes gopro, cellphone, drone, and helmet cams as long as they are shot from some kind of vehicle. Be sure to post Gif like format (Gif, Gfycat, etc) We currently do not accept v.reddit posts because of some issues with mobile users. please use Gfycat, Imgur, or other sites. - December 14, 2019 - 13:07
/r/watchpeoplesurvive: /r/watchpeoplesurvive: Big balls, close calls - r/watchpeoplesurvive is dedicated to people surviving near misses, eg: - Car accidents - Plane crashes - Parachute failure - Animal encounters Etc. - December 14, 2019 - 13:06