How not to ride a bike
/r/bicycling: bicycling - Two wheels, or three, sometimes one, but never more than twenty. Interested in riding a bicycle? We welcome bicyclists of all skill levels including those who don't yet own a bike. Ask us your questions or meetup with other redditors in your area for local rides. Happy cycling! - December 20, 2018 - 04:09
When you thought you could just cram before each CPA exam and be fine
/r/Accounting: Accounting - Primarily for accountants and aspiring accountants to learn about and discuss their career choice. Advice and questions welcome. - December 2, 2018 - 18:28
Watch me ride a bike
/r/EatShit: The Only Place Where It's Appropriate to Go Down - Eat Shit (/ēt-SHit/) v. verb 1. (slang) To have some sort of accident usually as a result of one's own doing. Examples of eat shit in a sentence: 1. Man, I hope that guy eats shit coming down the ramp! This subreddit features images/gifs/videos people that eatshit and get what they usually deserve. This subreddit is unbiased with respect to the individuals eating shit, whether a man, women, child, baby or animal - if they eatshit we want to see it! - November 30, 2018 - 17:53