A holographic microscope that you can actually look into
/r/CreeHaa: CreeHaa - CreeHaa & The Munkos - September 7, 2019 - 09:39
/r/mistyfront: Misty Front Page - Welcome. This subreddit is a mix of best content from other subreddits. A bot /u/ContentForager picks up the top-voted post of the week from a random subreddit. It then posts it here. Wash and repeat every 10 minutes. Your votes increase visibility of the content. If you want to find the original post, link is in the comments. Also, do not forget to report content if you find it inappropriate. Automoderator will take care of it. Hope you discover new things here! Happy browsing! - September 6, 2019 - 17:19
/r/Holography: Laser Holography - Everything to do with laser holography! - September 3, 2019 - 05:12
/r/CoolNerd: The best place on the internet for cool and nerdy items - This place is dedicated to showcasing the cool and nerdy items from BG's Cool Nerd and elsewhere on the internet. - September 2, 2019 - 20:46
/r/adult_toys: adult_toys - Toys and fun things for adults. Just not the sexy kind - September 2, 2019 - 19:57
/r/interestingasfuck: Interesting As Fuck - For anything that is InterestingAsFuck - September 2, 2019 - 19:53
/r/LSD: LSD - A kind, open-minded community dedicated to Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25. NO sourcing! Please read all rules before posting! Images and videos are allowed as long as they follow subreddit rules. Please report posts that break rules! - September 2, 2019 - 16:52
/r/EngineeringPorn: Engineering Porn - September 2, 2019 - 16:50
/r/OkieSHENANIGANS: OkieSHENANIGANS - Shenanigans and Oklahoma MMJ news - September 2, 2019 - 16:15
/r/nextfuckinglevel: ⬆ Next Fucking Level ⬆ - A subreddit for pictures, gifs and videos that are next fucking level. - September 2, 2019 - 14:26
I don’t know if I would’ve found this on my own.
/r/IRLEasterEggs: In Real Life Easter Eggs - You know in games or movies when you find a odd little secret that someone in production left unnoticed for the few in the audience that would look for it or happen to stumble upon it? This is the place to share those things you find in real life. This isn’t the area for posting digital Easter eggs, as in screenshots or photographs of screens (games, computer software, TV series, DVD menus); as those are regular Easter eggs and not IRL Easter eggs. Try /r/EasterEggs for such things. - September 5, 2019 - 10:27
Help me find this holographic microscope please!
/r/HelpMeFind: HelpMeFind - Need something found? Maybe we can help! - Do you miss something that seems to have been wiped from existence, like a stuffed animal or an old candy? Does it seem impossible for search engines to help even with the correct name? Describe it here as much as possible, and hopefully someone can help you out! - September 3, 2019 - 20:37
Hey look, a cool holograph picture of a microscope where you can actually look through *proceeds to just Show the holograph itself and not the cool gimmick*
/r/mildlyinfuriating: jukmifgguggh - A place to post the most midly infuriating things! . order corn - September 2, 2019 - 22:40
Cristine the science queen could probably get behind this
/r/simplynailogical: simplynailogical - Well holo everyone! A place to discuss anything Simply Nailogical related or to show off your latest Holo Taco manicure! - September 2, 2019 - 22:01
Это голографический микроскоп. И в него даже можно заглянуть...
/r/Pikabu: Пикабу на Реддит - Welcome to the Russian side of Reddit, comrades. This is biggest Russian subreddit. We are not affiliated with the original Pikabu website. We luckily managed to escape their censorship. - September 2, 2019 - 15:15
Microscope of illusion: reveals all stats of an enemy, but one stat shown will be fake, with no indication of what fact is false.
/r/ItemShop: Item Shop - Things that look like items from RPGs and other video games. Weapons, armor, accessories, etc. Include stats! **Posts containing actual video game items will be removed.** - September 2, 2019 - 13:58
Holographic microscope framed picture that you can look into-crazy "functional" picture
/r/NewAgeSciFiandFantasy: Cool visual, physical, or general immersive ideas for film (focus on sci-fi/fantasy). - Cool visual that makes you wish you could see it in film. Cool physical idea that you'd like to see incorporated in film. Any visceral picture/footage of something that'd be immersive if perfectly emulated in film (behavior/acting, character/plot ideas, etc.) - March 2, 2019 - 13:51
This framed, holographic microscope I got from my grandparents that you can actually look into!
/r/Damnthatsinteresting: Damn, that's interesting! - The most interesting place on reddit - February 13, 2019 - 04:46
/r/Alcateia: Alcateia agora também no reddit - February 12, 2019 - 10:11
/r/killthecameraman: r/KillTheCameraman: The place for videos shot by horrendous cameramen. - . - February 12, 2019 - 05:27
/r/woahdude: woahdude! psychedelic! - The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! Come for mindfucks and self-inflicted gaslighting. Or the hypnotic or mesmerising. Vivid colors, intense patterns. Mind-blowing science and philosophy. Chill or trippy music. Surrealism, absurdism and strangeness. Reminder: This is not a "reaction subreddit". - February 12, 2019 - 04:13
Where can i buy something like this ?
/r/wherecanibuythis: Where can I buy this - Do you have a picture or description of something but don't know where to get it? Ask "where can I buy this" or "Help me find this" here. any idea where, looking for, wcibt, something like, replacement, lost, broke, favorite, need, want, get this - February 12, 2019 - 12:12
When you’re trying to match the shadow to the picture on the wall.
/r/residentevil: Resident Evil - A community for fans of the Capcom series, Resident Evil, (aka Biohazard in Japan). - February 12, 2019 - 06:10
This is crazy tge way you can look inside. Pure amazingness
/r/Psychedelics: Psychedelics. Discussing natural and synthetic friends. Science, life, trends, and trips. - Discussions of trips, chemicals, natural psychedelics and more. Please no more requests for sources! And t-shirt spammers will be cast into the pit of fire. - February 12, 2019 - 04:11