(+69670) She has transition contacts on, They are essentially shades in contact lens form, they darken when it's bright.
/r/eddit2yearsago: Reddit 2 Years Ago - See the top posts on Reddit from exactly 2 years ago today. - July 28, 2021 - 19:15
When they only allow darkeyes at the club
/r/cremposting: Cremposting - BrandoSando's trash bin - This is a subreddit for everything Brandon Sanderson shitposting (cremposting). Where memes become dreams. Not sure if Kandra safe yet. Tag spoilers!! - July 28, 2019 - 11:10
Changing color lens
/r/NewProductPorn: New Product Porn - Newest and Most Unique Products - All in all, the subreddit to find the newest and unique products & innovations around you (on the internet). - July 27, 2019 - 18:01
Shut up and take my money!
/r/DidntKnowIWantedThat: Didn't Know I Wanted That - This subreddit is the perfect place to find all products you didn't know existed, but suddenly want, right after you've seen them! - July 27, 2019 - 15:26