Please upvote this
/r/FreeKarma4U: Free Karma 4U - #The subreddit is now under new management. We get it, getting karma points on Reddit can be extremely tricky. That's why we're here! We are a collection of Redditors who will, well, upvote stuff! Post a picture, a joke, an interesting article, and you're bound to get some positive karma! - July 24, 2021 - 19:31
MRW the new Star Wars that is being announced might not have R2D2 in for the first time
/r/equelMemes: Star Wars Cross-Over Memes - Due to a common need observed in both r/PrequelMemes and r/SequelMemes, this subreddit is devoted to Star Wars memes that include elements from at least two of the Star Wars trilogies (OT included) or the Anthology series. We're just getting started, so please let us know if you have suggestions. This is where the fun begins! - November 10, 2017 - 10:24