We have put all our energy and time into creating this game. We love puzzle games and rythm games, so how about a music puzzle game, where you create your own tunes by solving puzzles? Rytmos will be out on Steam in 2022 :-)
/r/IndieGaming: IndieGaming - We love indie games, you should too! - January 17, 2022 - 20:15
/r/indiegames: Indie Games - discussion, news, devblog updates, releases, demos, teasers, reviews. - Reddit for everything related to Indie Games - January 17, 2022 - 20:13
We have put all our energy and time into creating this game. We love puzzle games and rhythm games, so how about a music puzzle game, where you can create your own tunes by solving puzzles? Rytmos will be out on Steam in 2022 :-)
/r/rhythmgames: Rhythm Games - This is a community by Rhythm Gamers, for Rhythm gamers alike! This subreddit is for content relevant to any game with music as a central game play component. Banner made by: CYSYS8993 - January 17, 2022 - 20:10