I feel like this belongs here...
/r/Dermatophagia: Skin Biting - It means eating/biting your skin. This symptom is not very rare, as 2 out of 7 people bite their skin. Sufferers chew their skin out of compulsion, and can do so on a variety of places on their body. Sufferers typically chew the skin surrounding their fingernails and joints. They also chew on the inside of their mouth, cheeks, and/or lips, causing blisters in and outside of the mouth. If the behavior is left unchecked, calluses may start to develop where most of the biting is done. - March 22, 2020 - 20:41
Taking off your socks at the end of a long day.
/r/MakeMeSuffer: Make Me Suffer - If it hurts to look at, post it. - December 14, 2019 - 16:21
/r/FunnyThingsforJono: FunnyThingsforJono - Funny things for Jono. - October 1, 2019 - 07:19
/r/yesyesyesno: Things that make you go YES YES, but end badly #FreeHongKong - Things that make you go YES YES, but end badly. - September 15, 2019 - 05:12
/r/meme: Meme: New and Improved (coming soon) - r/meme is a place to share memes. We're fairly liberal but do have a few rules on what can and cannot be shared. - September 14, 2019 - 21:01
/r/bigdickalliance: the trash fire that is my life - September 14, 2019 - 07:56
/r/HolUp: Holup - Holup! A feeling of shock and confusion. A reaction to an unexpected and often negative turn of events that starkly contrasts the situation's expected outcome. A storytelling element often employed in humor similar to "bait-and-switch". jk its all shitposts. send H̴̩̝̜́̅Ȩ̸͈̝̃̉̈́L̷̩͓͓̽̂͝P̴͖̩͕̉ pls. - September 14, 2019 - 03:44
/r/awwwtf: awwwtf - A subreddit that makes you say, "Aww! Ooh? What the fuck?!" Then aww again. - September 14, 2019 - 03:16
/r/Frugal_Jerk: Do you even thrift? - We are the proud few who stand on the cutting edge of frugality. We hold our heads high while we steal toilet paper, shoplift lentils, reuse condoms and syringes, and drink our own piss to save multiple dollars each year. - September 14, 2019 - 02:35
/r/maybemaybeoriginal: Maybe Maybe Maybe (Original) - Tired of knowing how a GIF will end? (Original Flavor) - September 14, 2019 - 02:00
When you finally remove your gloves after being stuck in that hot isolation room
/r/nursing: Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all. - A place to discuss the topics of concern to the nurses of reddit. All are welcome. - September 14, 2019 - 06:57
What is this,a glove for ants?
/r/thingsforants: What is this, a subreddit for ants?!? - What is this, a subreddit for ants?? This sub is all about tiny things for ants, be they centers, phones, tiny violins, and the list goes on and on. Collect tiny things? Let's see your collection! Found or made something small? Take a picture of it! Want to make something minuscule? Go for it! Sister Subreddit - /r/threetimesbigger - September 14, 2019 - 05:29