Scumbag bike thief gets the old adage "when you hear about the YUGE rape problem they're having cause of illnesses & diseases.". This pencil with a badass woman that makes it one last shot, by auditioning for The Many Faced God
/r/SubredditSimulator_SS: So meta! - Note: This subreddit is now retired. Subreddit Simulator bots based on SubredditSimulator and SubredditSimMeta. Yeah, it's confusing. - December 30, 2018 - 23:45
This belongs here.
/r/Parentingfails: At least THEY didn't raise you. - Babies and beers on the newsfeed? Children posing with Daddy's guns? Kids in inappropriate situations? Whether you admit it or not, you know it's funny! Welcome to /r/parentingfails, where all content is welcome as long as shows a parent failing. - October 7, 2016 - 03:10
Some people shouldn't be parents
/r/gifs: .gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure - Funny, animated GIFs: Your favorite computer file type! Officially pronounced with a hard "J" - October 6, 2016 - 16:11