89 year old farmer was having trouble getting into his tractor. His son built him a lift so he could keep doing what he loves.
/r/goodvibes: Good Vibes - Good Vibes Only! This community is for vibing and sharing feel-good art, music, and video clips. - February 13, 2020 - 23:26
/r/EngineeringPorn: Engineering Porn - February 13, 2020 - 20:40
/r/specializedtools: Specialized Tools - A place to post tools which were created for a specific purpose. Doesn't necessarily have to be *one* purpose. - February 13, 2020 - 19:07
/r/mechanical_gifs: 100% Non-Organic .gifs - This sub is for .gif/.gifv/silent .mp4 images that contain a subject matter of mechanical origin. - February 13, 2020 - 18:20
/r/topofreddit: All the top reddit posts - All the top reddit posts - February 13, 2020 - 17:05
/r/wholesome: wholesome - It’s so wholesome in here :) - February 13, 2020 - 16:49
/r/InterestingGifs: Interesting Gifs - A place for interesting gifs! - February 13, 2020 - 16:12
/r/rossmanngroup: Louis Rossmann - Tech, Motivation, Self Sufficiency - This Subreddit is for the fans and onlookers of Louis Rossmann. A subreddit for the DIY, repair videos, discussion of philosophy, to rants on irritating occurrences. - February 13, 2020 - 16:05
/r/OccupationalTherapy: Occupational Therapy - This is a subreddit to celebrate all things Occupational Therapy. Whether you are an OT, know an OT, want to be an OT, or just want to hang out with some OT's, you are welcome here. - February 13, 2020 - 15:23
/r/HumansBeingBros: Humans just being bros - A place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of people being total bros. - February 13, 2020 - 13:56
/r/gifs: .gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure - Funny, animated GIFs: Your favorite computer file type! Officially pronounced with a hard "J" - February 13, 2020 - 13:54
This poor farmer is 89 and can't even climb into his tractor, and the applauded response is to modify the tractor instead of encouraging him to retire.
/r/antiwork: Antiwork: Unemployment for all, not just the rich! - A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. - February 13, 2020 - 17:11
A great use of the skillset of Empire of Dirt.
/r/ave: AvE - Skookum as frig - Unofficial subreddit of AvE, quintessential Canadian hero and inventor of the strong nuclear force, amongst other strange words and phrases. - February 13, 2020 - 16:40
He looks so happy!
/r/aww: A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures - Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... A place for really cute pictures and videos! - February 13, 2020 - 16:29