/r/StartledCats: Startled Cats - Funny gifs and vids of startled cats. - March 16, 2019 - 17:14
/r/CatsNamedToothless: How to train your kitty - Black cats should always be named Toothless. Always. - March 16, 2019 - 14:18
/r/httyd: How To Train Your Dragon - This is Berk. We had dragons. - March 15, 2019 - 19:53
/r/Eyebleach: Eyebleach - eyebleach - March 15, 2019 - 02:15
/r/WhatsWrongWithYourCat: that's just not right - March 15, 2019 - 15:19
/r/aww: A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures - Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... A place for really cute pictures and videos! - March 15, 2019 - 02:15