/r/nonononoyes: r/nonononoyes - December 25, 2022 - 08:13
/r/LooneyTunesLogic: Looney Tunes Logic - Looney Tunes (or other cartoon) logic being used in real life. We share our birthday with Mel Blanc by coincidence! - December 24, 2022 - 21:56
/r/yesyesyesyesno: yesyesyesyesno - This subreddit is pretty simple: things that are great before they go bad. *Almost* perfect isn't it, it's about acts nearing spectacular fruition right before their ruin. So basically the Seattle Seahawks' last drive in Super Bowl 49. - December 24, 2022 - 19:50
/r/normie_kunte: normie_kunte - December 24, 2022 - 15:16
/r/nevertellmetheodds: Nearly Impossible Odds - Nearly impossible feats of achievement, those with great degree of difficulty or incredible odds. - December 24, 2022 - 13:30