"KOSer At CoRpsE cOVe kiLliNg jUviES, WHy???!!!"
/r/pathoftitans: Path of Titans - /r/pathoftitans is the official Path of Titans reddit community. This is the place for discussion and news about the game, and a way to interact with developers and other players. Path of Titans is an MMO dinosaur video game being developed for home computers and mobile devices. You can learn more at our official website: https://pathoftitans.com/ - September 1, 2022 - 17:55
I know you're not supposed to interfere with nature but I thought we all agreed baby turtles were an exception.
/r/donthelpjustfilm: Don't help, just keep filming - A subreddit for situations where the cameraperson would rather film than assist - September 1, 2022 - 06:47