Moldy cbt
/r/MoldyMemes: Moldy Memes - A subreddit for memes that have been reposted so many times they have been "naturally" deep fried or, "molded" due to compression. - November 3, 2022 - 07:31
First time trying dropper posts
/r/BicyclingCirclejerk: 10w/Kg Club - A safe space for wattage bazookas to not feel judged when they want to boast about their insane FTP, complain about their leadout hygienist, or make fun of some loser not wearing Lycra in all of life's situations. - November 2, 2022 - 07:19
Reminder to follow all applicable safety precautions to avoid sodomizing yourself with hundreds of pounds of force
/r/AccidentalSodomy: AccidentalSodomy - I certainly didn’t intend anal penetration when this started but that’s where we ended up - November 2, 2022 - 02:06