I made a tic-tac-toe playing robot with an attitude that always wins..sometimes by cheating. 3D printed and powered by Raspberry Pi. Full video in description!DIY Product
/r/NewProductPorn: New Product Porn - Newest and Most Unique Products - All in all, the subreddit to find the newest and unique products & innovations around you (on the internet). - May 29, 2021 - 23:58
Wutbot on "Robot": I made a tic-tac-toe playing robot with a bad attitude that always wins..sometimes (usually) by cheating... Full video in description!
/r/WutbotPosts: wut? - Wutbot is a bot designed to confuse and amuse. It tries to make on-topic comments by identifying what reddit posts are about. - September 17, 2020 - 18:02
Meet TOBOT: The Tic-Tac-Toe Robot with an attitude that always wins...even if it maybe cheats sometimes...powered by a pi zero w handling computer vision, robot AI, and interfacing, which sends g-code commands to an adafruit feather to handle moving motors & whatnot! Full video in description!
/r/raspberry_pi: Raspberry Pi - More than just magic mirrors and kodi! - A subreddit for discussing the Raspberry Pi ARM computer and all things related to it. - September 15, 2020 - 21:27
I made a tic-tac-toe playing robot with an attitude that always wins..sometimes by cheating... 3D printed scara arm with all stationary steppers, and powered by a Raspberry Pi sending g-code to an Adafruit Feather on custom pcb breakout board. Full video in description!
/r/EngineeringPorn: Engineering Porn - September 15, 2020 - 21:25
I made a tic-tac-toe playing robot with a bad attitude that always wins..sometimes (usually) by cheating... Full video in description!
/r/shittyrobots: Shitty Robots - This subreddit is devoted to sharing gifs and videos of robots that are useless or just don't do their job quite right. - September 15, 2020 - 21:24