/r/AnimalsForSpawn: Pictures of Diverse Animals! - I like to show my daughter animal pics and videos and r/aww has too many dogs and cats! - February 10, 2023 - 16:25
/r/stupidinterwebsstuff: stupidinterwebsstuff - A place for the aggregation of humor, witty, and/or interesting posts. - February 10, 2023 - 00:49
/r/LiberalGooseGroup: LiberalGooseGroup - 理性,自由,平等。 - February 9, 2023 - 16:40
/r/Very_Sweet: Very_Sweet - February 9, 2023 - 14:03
/r/animalsdoingstuff: Animals Doing Stuff - Post videos or pictures where animals are doing amazing stuff! - February 9, 2023 - 11:15
/r/babyanimals: Baby Animals - Pictures of baby animals that are awesomely cute. Please keep content to that of the animals, all other off topic posts will be removed. - February 9, 2023 - 11:15
/r/Giraffesdontexist: Giraffes aren't real wake up sheeple - The subreddit for the TRUTH about "giraffes" 🦒🤖 - February 9, 2023 - 16:18
/r/Frickin: Frickin - Better than mildly interesting and all the other mild subreddits. This subreddit is for frickin' things! You can post anything safe for work, as long as it's frickin something! - February 9, 2023 - 03:02