Когда некому подержать твое пиво
/r/Pikabu: Пикабу на Реддит - Welcome to the Russian side of Reddit, comrades. This is biggest Russian subreddit. We are not affiliated with the original Pikabu website. We luckily managed to escape their censorship. - June 24, 2019 - 21:43
/r/BakaNewsJP: 🦈バカニュース Baby, Please Bakanews🦈 - japanese funny / idiot / stupid news,pic,gif・・・etc - September 3, 2017 - 09:45
Request - This amazing beer flip stabilized on the beer.
/r/ImageStabilization: Image Stabilization Videos and GIFs - All of your image stabilization needs in one subreddit! Here you'll find shakycam unshaken, rotating objects unrotated, moving objects made still, and more. Share your stabilizations or make a request! - September 3, 2017 - 02:16