NatureGifs - 05/29/19 - "The tailorbird actually sews up a nest out of leaves and grass fibers!" by /u/PrestigiousKoala87
/r/TopPostOfTheMonth: sorting by top/month - Okay this is epic but for month - June 7, 2019 - 15:41
They aren’t even hiding it anymore
/r/BirdsArentReal: Birds Aren't Real - This is the OFFICIAL subreddit for the MOST WOKE AMONG US. A safe haven for believers to gather, support one another in these times of adversity, and share images and stories that propel the cause forward. The birds work for the bourgeoisie. - May 30, 2019 - 17:41
I don’t know if this has been shared here yet
/r/birding: a place for birders to be - birding. birdwatching. twitching. listing. whatever you want to call it, if you are looking at or listening to birds, this is where you should be. - May 27, 2019 - 12:50
I didn’t know birds could do that!
/r/Outdoors: Outdoors - Outdoor recreation: keeping humans fit, fed and happy for thousands of years. The sun on your face, the wind in your hair: all this and more could be yours to experience... if you ever get off reddit and go outside for once! Outdoors is for *all* outdoor experiences, not limited to any specific interest. Caving, mountain climbing, cycling, bushcraft, gardening, sailing, plants, birds, trees, going for a stroll -- it's all on topic here! - May 27, 2019 - 03:13
Tailorbird nesting with tree leaves GIF
/r/Ornithology: Ornithology - Welcome to Ornithology, a subreddit dedicated to the scientific study of wild birds. This is a place to discuss wild birds in a scientific context — their biology, ecology, evolution, behavior, and more. - May 27, 2019 - 01:32
/r/EcoNewsNetwork: All things eco - Information, appreciation, discussion, links to articles, websites, images, videos, from reputable sites - content that supports and celebrates nature, her creatures, interspecies relationships, and their protection for future generations. Thinking ahead for the next 5 billion years. - May 27, 2019 - 01:31
He would build her the best house the world had ever seen. He would. Win. Her. Back.
/r/DivorcedBirds: For pictures of fabulous fowl who look like serial monogamists. - For pictures of fabulous fowl who look like serial monogamists. Please post pictures of birds who look like they are twice divorced (or more!) Pictures/Videos must be of actual birds (feathered fowl), not human women, not art or paintings or photoshopped. No dead birds. - May 27, 2019 - 01:20
A bird sewing leaves together to make its nest
/r/Earthmind: Earthmind - The subreddit for, and the Carl Sagan-esque wonders of the cosmos; from ocean depths to distant galaxies. - May 26, 2019 - 23:12
Tailorbird nesting with tree leaves
/r/ScienceIsAmazing: The beauty of science! - Science as complicated as it seems gives us sometimes the most beautiful things to see! From biology to chemistry passing by math and physics all kind of science hide incredible secrets! - May 26, 2019 - 23:02
/r/AnimalbeingEngineers: AnimalsBeingEngineers - Animals can create and organize their environment better than humans, and animals taught humans through the duration of life-time - May 26, 2019 - 21:39
/r/woahdude: woahdude! psychedelic! - The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! Come for mindfucks and self-inflicted gaslighting. Or the hypnotic or mesmerising. Vivid colors, intense patterns. Mind-blowing science and philosophy. Chill or trippy music. Surrealism, absurdism and strangeness. Reminder: This is not a "reaction subreddit". - May 26, 2019 - 21:27
/r/nextfuckinglevel: β¬ Next Fucking Level β¬ - A subreddit for pictures, gifs and videos that are next fucking level. - May 26, 2019 - 16:52
/r/oddlysatisfying: Oddly Satisfying - For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying. - May 26, 2019 - 16:43
/r/NatureIsFuckingLit: π₯ Nature Is Fucking Lit - We are here to appreciate the awesome majesty and incredibly cool aspects of nature. π₯ - May 26, 2019 - 16:41
/r/BakaNewsJP: π¦γγ«γγ₯γΌγΉ Baby, Please Bakanewsπ¦ - japanese funny / idiot / stupid news,pic,gifγ»γ»γ»etc - May 26, 2019 - 22:42
So I guess birds know how to suture better than I do... - shitpost
/r/medicalschool: /r/MedicalSchool - Welcome to /r/MedicalSchool: An international community for medical students. - May 26, 2019 - 22:36
Anyone else find this super cute?
/r/aww: A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures - Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... A place for really cute pictures and videos! - May 26, 2019 - 22:11
Im just blown away by this...
/r/JoeRogan: The Joe Rogan Experience - A portal to discuss Joe Rogan, comedy, MMA, psychedelics, mind-expanding revelations, conspiracies, insights, fitness & health and whatever else you want to discuss. - May 26, 2019 - 20:42
Never knew a bird could sew!!
/r/educationalgifs: For .gifs that provide knowledge! - Gifs are great at getting quick to digest info, and /r/educationalgifs strives to give you educational info in this quick to digest format. From chemical processes, to how plants work, to how machines work, /r/educationalgifs will explain many processes in the quick to see format of gifs. - May 26, 2019 - 19:43