/r/NotAnotherDnDPodcast: Not Another DnD Podcast - April 24, 2018 - 01:27
/r/AnimalsBeingDerps: Aww, they're so stupid - Pictures, gifs and videos - April 23, 2018 - 18:54
/r/Eyebleach: Eyebleach - eyebleach - April 23, 2018 - 18:49
/r/thisismylifenow: This is my life now - This is a subreddit with gifs or pics of people and animals accepting their uncommon situations. - April 23, 2018 - 16:30
/r/PeopleFuckingDying: People Fucking Dying - Videos and GIFs of people (figuratively) fucking dying. - April 23, 2018 - 18:30
/r/rarepuppers: woofe woofe whats for lumch haha - This is a subreddit devoted to cute little animols such as puppers, cates and turtles, and all sorts of other cute animols :) - April 23, 2018 - 17:05