Bowsette cosplay by Felicia Vox
/r/ExtremeCosplay: ExtremeCosplay - This Cosplay Group promotes Cosplay as having fun, being creative, original and innovative. A female can Cosplay Thor. A Asian can Cosplay Harley Quinn. A Caucasian can Cosplay Storm. You don't have to be a mutant to Cosplay one of the X-Men. The magic of Cosplay has no boundaries. Having said that I want to stress that we are sharing pictures of ladies, not men or animated images. - March 21, 2022 - 08:35
/r/cosplayers: for cosplayers, by cosplayers - This is a subreddit specifically for people who cosplay and people looking to cosplay. Want to share the outfit you just made? Share it here! Want some advice on a costume? Ask here! Want to show some cool pics you took at the last convention you went to? Post them here! - March 21, 2022 - 08:29