Can't wait for these kind of storms and crazy weather effects!
/r/starcitizen: Star Citizen - This is the subreddit for everything related to Star Citizen - an up and coming epic space sim MMO being developed by Chris Roberts and Cloud Imperium Games. - October 19, 2019 - 04:30
Amazing looking storm simulation. It’s hard to tell it’s even simulated!
/r/Corridor: Corridor Digital - Post anything related to Corridor Digital, Sam and Niko, and Node and their friends. - October 19, 2019 - 02:34
Imagine playing literally any game like this
/r/woahdude: woahdude! psychedelic! - The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! Come for mindfucks and self-inflicted gaslighting. Or the hypnotic or mesmerising. Vivid colors, intense patterns. Mind-blowing science and philosophy. Chill or trippy music. Surrealism, absurdism and strangeness. Reminder: This is not a "reaction subreddit". - October 19, 2019 - 02:29
The new Batman game will be running on this engine btw. Just look at this
/r/BatmanArkham: "I am Vengeance, I am the Night, I am Batman!" - This subreddit is dedicated to the discussion of all Batman Arkham Lore. Including the Rocksteady Trilogy, Arkham Origins and all tie-in games and comics. - October 19, 2019 - 00:17
Gta VI is going to be nuts
/r/gtaonline: GTA Online - Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced by Grand Theft Auto V. - October 18, 2019 - 22:30
Someone please add this to the Anomaly mod to do list.
/r/stalker: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - All about the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. survival-horror computer game series (including Shadow of Chernobyl, Clear Sky, Call of Pripyat, and community mods for each). This is not a subreddit about stalking people nor discussing real-life stalkers! - October 18, 2019 - 21:27