Cat instant regret
/r/flyyoufools: Fly, you fools! - Cats and other animals falling in a dramatic, Gandalfian fashion. Because it's hilarious. - November 19, 2022 - 10:45
/r/hacha: hacha - A thread for sharing posts that have likely been posted elsewhere but is quicker to share with your loved one or significant other by crossposting here. - November 19, 2022 - 06:22
/r/instant_regret: "What have I done..." - Instant Regret (in'-stint rē-gret') n. a subreddit dedicated to deliberate actions that unexpectedly lead to undesirable consequences and horrible results; things which may cause someone to say, "oh man, did I just screw the pooch!" - November 18, 2022 - 20:35