A baby tank puppy was born at the Miami Zoo.
/r/aww: A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures - Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... A place for really cute pictures and videos! - April 24, 2020 - 15:14
/r/ProperAnimalNames: The real names of animals! - Noperopes, trash pandas, and more! - April 26, 2019 - 15:56
/r/BrandNewSentence: Brand New Sentence - For sentences never before written, found in the wild. - April 25, 2019 - 23:27
/r/ewueng201: ewueng201 - EWU English 201 - April 25, 2019 - 21:45
/r/bigboye: B I G B O Y E - Large animals behaving like domestic pets - A subreddit for large animals behaving like domestic pets. After all, they're all really good boys deep down! - April 25, 2019 - 19:22
/r/florida: Florida: The Sunshine State - Thanks for your patience everyone! Our protest worked, and r/NoNewNormal is gone and r/ivermectin is quarantined now (and taken over by horse porn lol). This is a community to discuss all things Florida! Welcome. - April 25, 2019 - 18:24
/r/Miami: Miami: The only major US city conceived of by a woman - A place to talk about all things Magic City - April 25, 2019 - 18:19
/r/SouthFlorida: South Florida - April 25, 2019 - 18:19
Baby tanks are born when two adult tanks mate, they grow into bigger tanks with age and can move the minute they are born
/r/ShittyAnimalFacts: For all your 100% true and accurate facts about animals! - Shitty facts about animals, from Trashpandas to Slowbears to Jackdaws. Cute pictures accompanied by shitty titles, like "TIL Zoos can only have one emperor penguin at a time; any more leads to a political coup d'état." - April 25, 2019 - 19:46
В зоопарке города Майями родился искусственно зачатый детёныш носорога
/r/Pikabu: Пикабу на Реддит - Welcome to the Russian side of Reddit, comrades. This is biggest Russian subreddit. We are not affiliated with the original Pikabu website. We luckily managed to escape their censorship. - April 25, 2019 - 19:09
Tiny tank unit
/r/TinyUnits: The Tiniest of Units!!! - A chilled out place for sharing videos, gifs, and images of tiny animals, insects & random objects you find pretty awesome. - April 25, 2019 - 17:38
A new Indian Rhino was born at Zoo Miami.
/r/gifs: .gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure - Funny, animated GIFs: Your favorite computer file type! Officially pronounced with a hard "J" - April 25, 2019 - 14:38