How Mountains Take Shape: A Journey Of Earthly Creation" bell rock
/r/Outdoors: Outdoors - Outdoor recreation: keeping humans fit, fed and happy for thousands of years. The sun on your face, the wind in your hair: all this and more could be yours to experience... if you ever get off reddit and go outside for once! Outdoors is for *all* outdoor experiences, not limited to any specific interest. Caving, mountain climbing, cycling, bushcraft, gardening, sailing, plants, birds, trees, going for a stroll -- it's all on topic here! - January 26, 2023 - 09:16
/r/NatureIsFuckingLit: 🔥 Nature Is Fucking Lit - We are here to appreciate the awesome majesty and incredibly cool aspects of nature. 🔥 - January 26, 2023 - 09:11