Here friend, let me help!
/r/aww: A subreddit for cute and cuddly pictures - Things that make you go AWW! Like puppies, bunnies, babies, and so on... A place for really cute pictures and videos! - March 17, 2021 - 19:46
Dáchshünd, Herculean Fetcher
/r/Bossfight: Boss fight - Pictures of things that could be boss fights, any kind of picture, gif, or video may be used. Come up with a boss name for the title, and if desired add some stats and or back story in the comments. Make your title as creative as possible, something more than "lord of x", or "B'oss". - May 30, 2019 - 19:06
/r/gifsthatkeepongiving: Gifs That Keep On Giving - This is a subreddit dedicated to those GIFs that just keep on giving. Whether they are mind expanding, funny, or just plain awesome, they are welcome here. - May 30, 2019 - 18:49
The Wooden Greatsword, +17 Atk, Canine Class Exclusive
/r/ItemShop: Item Shop - Things that look like items from RPGs and other video games. Weapons, armor, accessories, etc. Include stats! **Posts containing actual video game items will be removed.** - May 30, 2019 - 13:50