Burning off the fibres on a new sock
/r/BetterEveryLoop: I can't stop watching. - For animated gifs and similar formats, that get better the longer you watch them. - May 15, 2019 - 04:05
/r/ANormalDayInRussia: Just your everyday occurrence in Russia - Gifs/Video/Pics of your everyday occurrence in Russia or the surrounding areas. Bonus points if not common in the rest of the world - May 15, 2019 - 00:57
/r/LearnUselessTalents: Learn Useless Talents - This is a place to learn how to do cool things that have no use other than killing time and impressing strangers. - May 14, 2019 - 21:21
/r/PlayingWithFire: Wait, Fire is Hot?! - There are a lot of videos out there of people doing stupid things with fire. This is the place to put them. - May 14, 2019 - 13:57
/r/maybemaybeoriginal: Maybe Maybe Maybe (Original) - Tired of knowing how a GIF will end? (Original Flavor) - May 14, 2019 - 13:30
/r/nonononoyes: r/nonononoyes - May 14, 2019 - 13:13
/r/oddlysatisfying: Oddly Satisfying - For those little things that are inexplicably satisfying. - May 14, 2019 - 10:59
/r/gifs: .gifs - funny, animated gifs for your viewing pleasure - Funny, animated GIFs: Your favorite computer file type! Officially pronounced with a hard "J" - May 14, 2019 - 10:53
You can burn the fibers off any sock in your near surroundings by just thinking about it
/r/shittysuperpowers: Shitty Superpowers - Post your favorite shitty superpowers that will help you save or shit on the world that needs us! Please read the rules before posting - May 14, 2019 - 19:52
So is this man going to burn his pair of Bred in the Background or what?
/r/Sneakers: Sneakerheads Unite! - A subreddit for sneaker lovers. - May 14, 2019 - 14:21
Burning off the fibers on new socks
/r/woahdude: woahdude! psychedelic! - The best links to click while you're stoned! Psychedelic, mindfucking, mesmerizing, reality-distorting or trippy games, video, audio & images that make a sober person feel stoned, or stoned person trip harder! Come for mindfucks and self-inflicted gaslighting. Or the hypnotic or mesmerising. Vivid colors, intense patterns. Mind-blowing science and philosophy. Chill or trippy music. Surrealism, absurdism and strangeness. Reminder: This is not a "reaction subreddit". - June 4, 2018 - 21:48