President of HBO upon seeing that plot of S8E1 leaked online.
/r/asoiafcirclejerk: A Circlejerk of Ice and Fire - What this subreddit is about: Oh boy! Reddit Game of Thrones fans are a wacky bunch a shitsticks! Let's point and laugh. There are books too apparently, TL;DR. - March 22, 2019 - 16:02
MRW I see a Good Meal™️ onbut it's still outside my daily limit
/r/EDanonymemes: EDanonymemes - A safe space for Eating Disorder sufferers to cope with dark humored shitposting. It's the same concept as all of the other depression meme subreddits, we are a relatable/support meme subreddit. We don't encourage self harm or tolerate any pro-ana content. Meme without judging each other! If you or a loved one is suffering from an eating disorder please scroll down to our "community info" section. - March 2, 2019 - 05:59
MRW I'm browsing Reddit and see a repost of my pizza gif on the front page
/r/NewLondonCounty: Southeastern CT News and Discussion - Information and news reports from New London CT and all of Southeastern Connecticut and beyond. This sub was created in August of 2018 in response to the New London Day newspaper's unpopular change in policy that now requires all paid subscribers to comment on articles using their real names. - March 2, 2019 - 03:09
/r/reactiongifs: Reaction GIFS: Your absurd responses to everything. - Give a man a gif and he will meme all day, teach a man to REACT and he will be as a GOD - March 1, 2019 - 22:49
Prof. Chonk
/r/Chonkers: Chonkers - This is a subreddit for posting pictures or memes involving chubby cats (also known as chonkers). Please keep in mind we do not condone pet obesity, and instead would like to help people who do have obese cats get them on a diet and help them lose weight and become healthier. There are two links in the sidebar to help anyone who doesn't know how to do this and you're more than welcome to ask the community for advice. Enjoy! - March 2, 2019 - 01:17