It's freaking HOT in Phoenix, Arizona
/r/manholeporn: Manhole Porn: Sewer covers in all their glory! - SFW pictures of manholes. No NSFW pictures of man holes. Know the difference - it might save your life. - June 26, 2017 - 13:08
MRW my bladder is about to explode so I find the closest thing I can to a toilet but I accidentally drank a liter of invisible ink earlier
/r/shittyreactiongifs: shittyreactiongifs - Every reaction gif is shitty if it's on reddit. - June 26, 2017 - 09:42
OP pours liquid nitrogen on ordinary sewer cover, claims it's water and so hot that it boils away instantly
/r/KarmaConspiracy: r/KarmaConspiracy 2.0: More Serious, More Investigative, Unlimited Breadsticks - A satire subreddit to entertain the idea that ALL successful posts on Reddit have some karma-grubbing conspiracy behind them. Share your revelations, however outlandish they may seem, and help shed some light on the evil all around us. - June 26, 2017 - 09:18