This was unexpected (for me at least)
/r/BetterEveryLoop: I can't stop watching. - For animated gifs and similar formats, that get better the longer you watch them. - May 1, 2019 - 04:02
Doug Judy and Jake Peralta
/r/brooklynninenine: Brooklyn Nine-Nine | NBC TV series - Subreddit for Brooklyn Nine-Nine, the now NBC TV show that stars Andy Samberg and Andre Braugher. - May 1, 2019 - 02:36
Don't stumble in to my Man while he is dancing, unless you want to dance too!
/r/mirroring: Mirroring - Symmetry, mimicry, synchronicities, and coincidences. - May 1, 2019 - 01:54
/r/ReferenceForAnimation: Animation reference resources. - Dude, it’s animation reference resource. Like animating? Cool, well here are some references in the form of video, gif, and what ever cool thing you need. Reddit is filled with crazy stuff so maybe we’ll see some gore. Alright thanks - April 30, 2019 - 21:44
/r/happycrowds: Happy Crowds, Responsive Audiences, and Participating Patrons - A subreddit for clips of massive audience support for a musician, athlete, performer, entertainer, whathaveyou. Crowds singing along, chanting the name of a champion, dancing in the aisles, cheering until it's deafening, the rolling slow clap, etc. We're looking for the clips that give you a chill and make you wish you were there. - April 30, 2019 - 21:14
/r/WVU: Home of the Mountaineers - A subreddit for the Mountaineers of West Virginia University — past, future, and present. Let's Go! - April 30, 2019 - 19:04
/r/maybemaybeoriginal: Maybe Maybe Maybe (Original) - Tired of knowing how a GIF will end? (Original Flavor) - April 30, 2019 - 14:15
You can make anyone power dance with you for a few seconds by accidentally bumping their shoulder
/r/shittysuperpowers: Shitty Superpowers - Post your favorite shitty superpowers that will help you save or shit on the world that needs us! Please read the rules before posting - April 30, 2019 - 21:28
FIIIIIGHT!!! Oh no wait...
/r/gifsthatkeepongiving: Gifs That Keep On Giving - This is a subreddit dedicated to those GIFs that just keep on giving. Whether they are mind expanding, funny, or just plain awesome, they are welcome here. - April 30, 2019 - 20:06
Heck yeah, dance boyes.
/r/yesyesyesnoyes: . . . for those clutch moments. - Preferably gifs, but anything really, that has that yes, yes, yes, **no**, *yesss* clutch feel to it. - April 30, 2019 - 19:11
Another WV treasure
/r/WestVirginia: West Virginia - Featuring the best of what the Mountain State has to offer: arts, culture, natural beauty, friendly people, and pepperoni rolls. - April 30, 2019 - 18:30
The first meeting between Stick and Stock
/r/Bossfight: Boss fight - Pictures of things that could be boss fights, any kind of picture, gif, or video may be used. Come up with a boss name for the title, and if desired add some stats and or back story in the comments. Make your title as creative as possible, something more than "lord of x", or "B'oss". - April 30, 2019 - 15:15