Azaghal e seus hobbies diferenciados
/r/jovemnerd: Jovem Nerd - Bem-vindos ao maravilhoso sub do Jovem Nerd! Este é um espaço para discussão dos projetos do JN e seus parceiros: NerdCast, NerdOffice, NerdPlayer, Nerdologia, MRG, Podnext, Jujubacast, A Maravilhosa Cozinha de Jack, Caneca de Mamicas, Gaveta; Assim como qualquer coisa relacionada ao universo nerd. Divirtam-se! Leiam as regras. - February 6, 2023 - 00:59
Chad shows off his yoga skills
/r/Chadtopia: Chadtopia - A non-satirical community and the opposite of /r/Cringetopia-like subs. There are plenty of things considered socially unacceptable or uncool, but some people are so confident in owning it that it becomes commendable. Reaching the peak of not giving a fuck and doing whatever makes them happy even as others make fun of them for it. Those are Chads, rather man or woman. We aim to celebrate those Chads and applaud them for doing what they enjoy. We should all be able to do that without judgment. - February 5, 2023 - 16:45
Did it like a champ - Frickin' Amazing
/r/Frickin: Frickin - Better than mildly interesting and all the other mild subreddits. This subreddit is for frickin' things! You can post anything safe for work, as long as it's frickin something! - February 5, 2023 - 15:32