When you lie in your resume to get the job
/r/WhyWomenLiveLonger: It’s hilarious to see that what crazy things men can do. - It is a page of men, who are doing extremely dangerous things, or just stupid challenges. Some are Darwin-prize winner of the year. - October 24, 2022 - 06:12
/r/winstupidprices: Win Stupid Prices - Sometimes you win stupid prizes, sometimes prices and I don't know what that means. It's just someone misspelled prizes and I was obliged to create this sub. - October 24, 2022 - 00:43
/r/DunderMifflin: People Person's Paper People - Why waste time watch many show when one show do trick? - October 24, 2022 - 00:19
/r/instant_regret: "What have I done..." - Instant Regret (in'-stint rē-gret') n. a subreddit dedicated to deliberate actions that unexpectedly lead to undesirable consequences and horrible results; things which may cause someone to say, "oh man, did I just screw the pooch!" - October 23, 2022 - 18:36
Calmest cameraman ever
/r/PraiseTheCameraMan: When they do it right - PTCM is a hub for sharing proper camera operation; capturing calculated recording angles; maintaining good camera control, general perception, also properly controlling what's in the frame. Interesting content is not necessarily a solid ground for giving praise, regardless of how good the content on its own accord. Stills are welcome but do try your best to credit the cameraman, please - October 24, 2022 - 04:46