Lufthansa und Air Berlin
/r/BRDproperty: BRDproperty - Ein Subreddit für Situationen in denen etwas unerwartetes Deutsches in einem anderssprachigen Subreddit auftaucht - December 23, 2022 - 11:11
New Monsterverse movie looks INSANE, really happy they're going back to practical effects
/r/GODZILLA: Stomping Grounds | Godzilla | γ΄γΈγ© - Welcome to /r/GODZILLA, a place to admire the King of the Monsters and his many foes! If you haven't already, please read through the rules located on the sidebar. For Mobile users you can find them on the top right of the app (3 dots) under "Community Info" - December 23, 2022 - 06:13