/r/Weird: Weird - The subreddit for the weird, strange, odd and bizarre. - March 30, 2023 - 01:32
/r/bitchiamacroc: Croc/ lizards/ caimans/ alligators - Anything to do with Crocs or such acting like itself - September 20, 2022 - 21:10
/r/nope: Nope - Things that make you say "nope!" - August 24, 2022 - 00:43
/r/randomm5: randomm5 - August 23, 2022 - 14:57
/r/Formyberb: Formyberb - Every thing fer my berb - August 23, 2022 - 14:20
/r/natureismetal: Nature is Metal - Badass pictures, gifs and videos of the awesome true brutality of nature - August 23, 2022 - 11:53
/r/BakaNewsJP: 🦈バカニュース Baby, Please Bakanews🦈 - japanese funny / idiot / stupid news,pic,gif・・・etc - August 26, 2022 - 12:29
/r/absoluteunit: Absolute Unit - August 23, 2022 - 23:09
/r/interestingasfuck: Interesting As Fuck - For anything that is InterestingAsFuck - August 23, 2022 - 19:31
/r/TerrifyingAsFuck: Terrifying as Fuck - A subreddit for interesting and absolutely terrifying things! - August 23, 2022 - 16:44