/r/BetterEveryBoop: Better Every Boop - Boop - January 21, 2023 - 20:04
/r/steve_saves: steve_saves - Because saving posts is lame - January 21, 2023 - 17:11
/r/mildlysatisfying: For the subtle things that are, you know, mildly satisfying stuff - This is the subreddit is dedicated to posting specifically things that satisfy you in a day to day basis. The aim is to share things the little victories that you encounter every day, but they're just to mild to share with everyone. Things that are **mildly satisfying**.. - January 20, 2023 - 20:37
/r/mechanical_gifs: 100% Non-Organic .gifs - This sub is for .gif/.gifv/silent .mp4 images that contain a subject matter of mechanical origin. - January 20, 2023 - 20:05
/r/BakaNewsJP: 🦈バカニュース Baby, Please Bakanews🦈 - japanese funny / idiot / stupid news,pic,gif・・・etc - January 21, 2023 - 01:27