Fellow South Australian gel ballers: is this a firearm? Asking for a friend.
/r/GelBlaster: Gel Blasters: Australia's Airsoft - Welcome to the official Gel Blaster Community! Please make sure to read the rules before posting. - February 17, 2021 - 09:06
What would a structure like this be in ether rather than air?
/r/holofractal: Fractal Holographic Unified Field Theory - The holofractographic unified field theory, as developed by Nassim Haramein and physicists at the Resonance Science Foundation & [Hawaii Institute for Unified Physics](http://hiup.org). This theory explores the fractal, holographic nature of the structure of space and thus, how the totality of all is within each piece - unifying physics and solving quantum gravity. - February 16, 2021 - 12:44