This pigeon in an epic battle with handrails
/r/StoppedWorking: Animals that have 'stopped working' - Pictures, Gifs, and Videos of animals (including humans and some exceptions of robots and machines) that have Stopped Working! - November 14, 2021 - 19:49
/r/TrollXFunny: TrollXFunny - Come for the period jokes, stay for a subreddit that's actually funny. - December 4, 2020 - 06:25
/r/gifsthatkeepongiving: Gifs That Keep On Giving - This is a subreddit dedicated to those GIFs that just keep on giving. Whether they are mind expanding, funny, or just plain awesome, they are welcome here. - June 2, 2020 - 16:10
/r/nonononoyes: r/nonononoyes - June 1, 2020 - 01:46
/r/pigeons: competitive pigeon keeping - flying, showing, breeding - June 1, 2020 - 01:20
/r/TibblesandRosie: mew - May 31, 2020 - 22:55
/r/delola3100: delola3100 - A collection of silly animal stuff from all over Reddit for my kiddo. - May 31, 2020 - 21:33
/r/donthelpjustfilm: Don't help, just keep filming - A subreddit for situations where the cameraperson would rather film than assist - May 31, 2020 - 20:15
/r/AnimalsBeingDerps: Aww, they're so stupid - Pictures, gifs and videos - May 31, 2020 - 15:33
City surveillance drone model P.1930N is facing hardware and computational errors
/r/BirdsArentReal: Birds Aren't Real - This is the OFFICIAL subreddit for the MOST WOKE AMONG US. A safe haven for believers to gather, support one another in these times of adversity, and share images and stories that propel the cause forward. The birds work for the bourgeoisie. - June 2, 2020 - 02:07
Unexpected Treadmill
/r/pigeonmemes: Pigeon Memes - War. Air. Pigeons. The only 3 things that you will find anywhere on earth, no matter where you look. These creatures have spread far and wide and now it is time to show them the recognition they truly deserve for the achievements they have completed. Oh great pigeon lords, we ask for your blessing on this here sub. Hoot hoot motherf*cker. - June 1, 2020 - 04:49
Handraileth, crusher of birdworld
/r/Bossfight: Boss fight - Pictures of things that could be boss fights, any kind of picture, gif, or video may be used. Come up with a boss name for the title, and if desired add some stats and or back story in the comments. Make your title as creative as possible, something more than "lord of x", or "B'oss". - June 1, 2020 - 01:14
Best video I have ever seen
/r/420: /r/420: For anything 420 - See the number 420 anywhere? Are you looking for a new stoner subreddit? Well this is the subreddit for you. Any posts about 420 or just cannabis can be posted here. - June 1, 2020 - 00:38
/r/2meirl4meirl: when things get too real for meirl - For relatable posts that are too real for /r/meirl or /r/me_irl. Meaning jokes/posts about mental health issues and self depricating humour. - May 31, 2020 - 19:37
I get that the devs didn't spend too much time on the - Pigeon - mob's AI in favor of more important things, but come on, how did this pass QA?
/r/outside: Outside: The free-to-play MMO, on reddit - A subreddit for *Outside*, a free-to-play MMORPG with 7 billion+ active players. - May 31, 2020 - 19:36
Bernice had been spiraling ever since her separation from Ed was finalized. Food became her solace. Finally she decided she would not let Ed control her self worth any more. Today was her first time back on the treadmill. She will learn to love herself before finding love again.
/r/DivorcedBirds: For pictures of fabulous fowl who look like serial monogamists. - For pictures of fabulous fowl who look like serial monogamists. Please post pictures of birds who look like they are twice divorced (or more!) Pictures/Videos must be of actual birds (feathered fowl), not human women, not art or paintings or photoshopped. No dead birds. - May 31, 2020 - 19:07