Britt watching Chat when Richard says a child that is cute, smart, funny, and buff is actually his.
/r/Emoney: Official Emoney Reddit - Wonk Gang Enterprise. - November 17, 2021 - 02:15
MRW the ultra-extroverted-likes-all & everything and apparently very funny SO of my sibling is over for our family Christmas dinner.
/r/MRW: MRW - A place for all "My Reaction When" images and gifs - December 25, 2014 - 19:01
You're in the back seat and can't hear what your friends are saying.
/r/gif_to_gyf: gif -> gyf mirror - After much deliberation, we have decided to join the other subreddits in going dark to protest the lack of communication between the reddit administrators and the volunteers who help keep the subreddits running. We apologize for the inconvenience, and hope to be back to normal as soon as possible. For an explanation, see [this thread]( a mirror of /r/gifs, converted to webm format - December 25, 2014 - 16:50
MRW my friends make jokes about me behind my back
/r/reactiongifs: Reaction GIFS: Your absurd responses to everything. - Give a man a gif and he will meme all day, teach a man to REACT and he will be as a GOD - December 24, 2014 - 02:24