/r/OldSchoolCool: OldSchoolCool: History's cool kids, looking fantastic - /r/OldSchoolCool **History's cool kids, looking fantastic!** A pictorial and video celebration of history's coolest kids, everything from beatniks to bikers, mods to rude boys, hippies to ravers. And everything in between. If you've found a photo, or a photo essay, of people from the past looking fantastic, here's the place to share it. - August 25, 2018 - 16:03
Where it all started...
/r/Velo: Velo: Reddit for competitive cyclists - Your place for competitive amateur racing (or competitively minded) discussion & information! - March 4, 2018 - 02:26
Penny Farthing Race.
/r/theocho: The Ocho: bringing you the finest in seldom-seen sports from around the globe since 1999 - Inspired by the movie Dodgeball, r/TheOcho is a community dedicated to spreading knowledge of seldom seen and 'obscure' sports. - March 4, 2018 - 01:59
/r/gif: r/Gif (no S) - A place for funny, interesting, & animated SFW gifs and videos (mp4's.) - March 3, 2018 - 22:21
/r/interestingasfuck: Interesting As Fuck - For anything that is InterestingAsFuck - March 3, 2018 - 22:20
Next DLC? Penny farthing race, 1928
/r/gtaonline: GTA Online - Grand Theft Auto Online - Rockstar's ongoing ever expanding multiplayer system, introduced by Grand Theft Auto V. - March 4, 2018 - 00:53
No gears? How about no chain?
/r/FixedGearBicycle: Fixed Gear Bicycle - /r/FixedGearBicycle is a community dedicated to sharing content surrounding the world of fixed gear bicycles - March 3, 2018 - 23:48